What's New

New Arrivals – Loyalty / Punch Cards
So, what have you done to reward your customers lately? Well, if you're scratching your head right now, don't think too hard. We've got something for you to help with that. It's been a long time coming, but we have finally added more punch cards or loyalty cards to...

Website Themes Launched!
We're super excited to announce that we've finally launched our website themes! These themes are not like any other premium themes because they are geared towards your industry, they are built with your customers in mind and we save you from having to put it together...

Changes Happen: Big Announcement
Do you ever have the feeling that you need to make a change but you end up not following through with it because you're so used to the norm? I know I do… a lot. The reason why change is so hard is that the norm becomes a part of us so we fight with all our might to...

Road to Success: Hard Work Really Does Pay Off
Does hard work really pay off? This is a question that I have asked myself during these first few months of solo entrepreneurship. The norm is working tirelessly and worrying constantly about achieving a steady flow of income. Without a doubt, many entrepreneurs can...

Fat Bird Bakery
Task: Logo Design - Fat Bird Bakery is a made-to-order bakery located in Pasadena, CA that specializes in custom cakes, cupcakes and dessert tables. Their playful company name gave me an opportunity to design something cute but sophisticated.